Iford Manor Estate Ticket Portal

Offset your CO2 travel emissions


By offsetting your carbon, you can help support our tree replanting in the Iford Valley - from extending the woodland above the garden, our ancient woodland of Friary Woods and creating new woodlands in the valley - your £5 donation will contribute to these tree planting projects, which in turn will reduce CO2 emissions and help combat global warming.

Replanting the woodland above the garden
The woodland 'plantation' above the garden was planted by the Gaisford family in 1779. However, over 250 years on many of the trees are now reaching the end of their life. Not only are woodlands important habitats for ecology and climate change, but this particular woodland is also critical to the garden design at Iford towering high over the garden and providing height to the valley. 

Please help us to plant a new area behind the existing plantation to ensure that this woodland feature on the landscape is not lost. We will also be carefully managing the existing woodland to allow regrowth and plan to restore and open up the old Georgian woodland walks in coming years to visitors. 

We have already planted over a thousand trees in 2021 and 2022, with further planting planned for Winter 2023. The trees are planted this winter and will be a mixture of native trees, particularly beech which is the predominant tree in the current plantation. All money raised will be put towards the cost of the trees, tree-guards, tree-supports and other costs involved with planting trees and bringing them on healthily. 

Further woodland replanting and extension projects throughout the valley are planned and can only happen with your support.